Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Safe at Amsterdam

8.5 hour flight on a new 787. Have about an hour here before boarding the final flight to Minneapolis. Warm and sunny here with temps in the 90's for the past couple of days. Airport is a circus but moves right along. 

Noel Petit

On Jul 29, 2019, at 9:33 PM, Sharon Petit <sharonpetit46@gmail.com> wrote:

Have a safe flight! I'm joining Stillings girls for a cook out at Rice Creek Park while you are flying to Amsterdam. Yesterday we had a tornado warning but the tornado touched down near 97 Forest Lake and Scandia. Lindstrom was in the path but no touch down there. They spent time in the storm shelter at the fair. They let them go home early.
Waiting for your arrival.
Love you,

On Mon, Jul 29, 2019 at 1:27 PM Petit Gmail <petitnoel47@gmail.com> wrote:
Flew in a little 16 seater from Iringa to Dar Es Salam. Stopped at a restaurant across the street from the airport for dinner then through checking at the airport: check ticket and passport, X-ray your bag, take off most of your clothes and go through a metal detector, check passport and ticket again, weigh and tag the luggage, check the passport and ticket again, check the passport, issue the boarding pass, fill out identical from and check passport and take your picture, go up the stairs and put your luggage through another X-ray, put your clothes back on and wait 3 hours.

Dar is warm but not uncomfortable. The plane is on time and we only have 2 hours to wait.

See you all soon.

Noel Petit

Monday, July 29, 2019

Safe at Dar ES Salam

Flew in a little 16 seater from Iringa to Dar Es Salam. Stopped at a restaurant across the street from the airport for dinner then through checking at the airport: check ticket and passport, X-ray your bag, take off most of your clothes and go through a metal detector, check passport and ticket again, weigh and tag the luggage, check the passport and ticket again, check the passport, issue the boarding pass, fill out identical from and check passport and take your picture, go up the stairs and put your luggage through another X-ray, put your clothes back on and wait 3 hours.

Dar is warm but not uncomfortable. The plane is on time and we only have 2 hours to wait.

See you all soon.

Noel Petit

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Sunday at our sister church in Wasa

Took a Toyota to our sister church in Wasa, Tanzania. The road is rough for the last hour but the welcome amazing. Church lasted from 10 to 1:45 with introductions and greetings from Fish Lake Lutheran. The pastor's house has a roof and walls bout still needs floors, windows, doors, water and electricity.

Arrived back at Iringa with a short stop at seamstress Helena's shop for more fabric and another shirt. Homeward bound on Monday.

Noel Petit

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Returned to Iringa

Our past two days were spent a Ruhaha National Park about 60 miles west of Iringa. That park is the size of Rhode Island and claims to have 534 species of animals. We saw 59. Lions, elephants, giraffes, crocodiles, hippopotamuses, dozens of bird species, thousands of impalas, monkeys, baboons and a couple dozen species of ground animals. Check the BKB Facebook page for details.

We are now back in Iringa and I will head out to our sister congregation in Wasa for our last day.

Noel Petit

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Singing at Tungamalenga

Today we ventured west toward Ruhaha National Park. One of the towns with a Bega Kwa Bega sister congregation in Tungamalenga. We stopped at a Masai village and school that are sponsored by Shepherd of the Hills. Then on to the Lutheran Church for lunch and a concert. We sang with our Iringa choir, two youth choirs from Tungamalenga, and two local choirs from neighboring churches. You will see some of this on the BKB Facebook.

We spent time at the dispensary with Dr. Kahwagi. Then dinner and overnight stay at the lodge in Tungamalenga. We have stopped there often for a break but never knew there was a beautiful lodge. Tomorrow off to the park.

Noel Petit

Monday, July 22, 2019

Day at Isimela

Today began with a 30 minute trip to a stone age site called Isimela. Artifacts from 300,000 years ago have been found there. Apparently the ancient people made took and weapons from quartz and granite here. The site follows an eroded river bed with pillars of limestone beneath surface rocks. The hike was beautiful and challenging.

Following that we moved on to Ihemi church. A moderate sized church along the main road. There we found the Tanzanian choir and two other choirs. After lunch we all sang a beautiful concert to a nearly full house.

Dinner was at a new place called Sunset Lodge. This overlooks the city and is new to me. The long day was fun and now we get to sleep in. Tomorrow is Image Secondary school and a concert at Ilula.

Noel Petit

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Sunday in Tanzania

Sang at two church services at Kehesa church in Iringa. The first service was packed and the second nearly packed. Had lunch at the life skills learning center then off to Kibesi church a few miles away in Iringa. Five different choirs joined together for a wonderful afternoon.

Then back to the Lutheran Center to change and gather the "Fabric Team". Elizabeth, Brenda, Dawn and Charlotte helped me pick fabric for quilts. 10 minutes after entering the shop we walked out with 17 pieces at exactly at the budget. Now I have to get it home.

Noel Petit