Friday, December 14, 2012

Goodby Tumaini

Today was the last day of class for Tumaini. I gave a final test to my Discrete Structures class, graded it and submitted grades. My students hung around at the end for a picture. Here are a few of them:
I set a strict time limit and they all finished on time. My thesis students also had until 10 AM to submit their first few references for their papers. I did get a few late but by that time I already submitted my grades. It is finished.

This evening's invite was to Chaplain Yakbeth who presides over the spiritual growth of the students at Tumaini University. Her husband works for the Lutheran Diocese and is travelling. The Chaplain, her daughter, and her mother-in-law hosted a nice party at her home on the other side of town. We have started to really enjoy these little dinners and they are all exactly the same but all exactly as warm and welcoming. We were sorry to see the night end, but there is no doubt she will be coming to the U.S. soon. Her brother-in-law married a woman from Lakeville. The U.S. family will be coming here soon and I am sure the Tanzanian family will be to the U.S. soon.

Well hopefully the party next door ends soon as their stereo is clearer here that at the party. I hope you are all investing in hearing aide companies, these folks will all need them at 40. Nothing is ever done at a reasonable volume, loud == fun, I guess. The churches are just as guilty as the bars. Sounds like a birthday party and we only wish we were up for a party but it has been a long week and we are ready for packing and final arrangements.


  1. Discrete Structures is the best fundamental for us, let say goodbye teacher>>>!!!

  2. Thank you Francis. I hope the class learned something about Computer Mathematics. Good luck and good studies.
